New Business models
We believe that the exponential growth of computing power and new technologies will open up new, profitable, and amazing opportunities and reshape all industries in ways we hardly can imagine. Organizations need to address these opportunities in their own unique way.
Most organizations embark on their transformation journey of becoming more data-driven and digital by validating their business model. This is a process where you ask yourself if there are new ways to deliver, create, and capture value. For you? For your competitors? For disruptive newcomers?
The answer is most likely yes. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Blockchain enable companies to provide everything from a more personalized product to maintaining collaborative ecosystems. In parallel, the IT vendors have updated their way of selling IT, which opens up for more flexible and value-based commercial models. Some organizations use new technology to improve their existing models, whereas others make more fundamental changes.
There are many possible starting points. The one that tends to inspire and progress the most, is to start the process by looking at your data across the organization and the functions. Be open-minded, curious, and interested in what the data tells you. Data-driven machine-learning is an excellent source of innovation. Interestingly enough, needs are often identified through inefficiencies and will direct you to where to start.